There are countless ways to enjoy the Payette Lake. At Paradise Point Camp, we are so grateful to have a beautiful, clean and refreshing body of water to cool off in on a hot summer day.
The water is a highlight for most campers. In post-camp surveys Waterfront time routinely gets the highest marks and is cited as the favorite activity for most campers.
But- what do we do on the lake?
Canoeing, kayaking, stand-up-paddle boarding, tubing, wake surfing, swimming or, the most popular Youth Camp activity, playing on the Wibit.
The Wibit is a giant inflatable obstacle course that floats on the lake. Under the watchful eyes of two certified lifeguards, campers can climb, run, balance and jump off of the Wibit with a splash. The Wibit takes its shape by linking unique pieces together to create an obstacle course that changes every year. We can't wait to create memories at the waterfront with you this summer!
